I was so excited to write on this blog and then promptly forgot to check it. My past month has been incredibly intense (my parents opened an art gallery). Combined with an internship I'm doing, I work a whopping seven days a week - full days. This is uncool only because it cuts into my reading time and decimates my beach time. I JUST finished East of Eden, and ladies, I must admit, the ending is a knock-out. I finished it gape-mouthed on the train from Chicago to Michigan. What Steinbeck lacks in syntactical brilliance he far, FAR makes up for in character development. Lee is one of my favorite literary characters ever.
The top 10 question is difficult, and one I need my complete book shelf in front of me to decide. Here's one and two:
1) Vonnegut
2) Twain
I will throw it back out to you guys because I'm curious. Also, what are you reading right now? I just started The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James. Talk about syntactical brilliance. And! I know this isn't a book, but I just saw Being John Malkovitch for the first time tonight, and I can't believe it. It is the first role in which he hasn't played himself, and he only did it for two scenes. Amazing! Seriously though, that movie is boss.
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