May 29, 2009

Next Book

Since no one is jumping at the chance to pick the next one, and since I'm the only one whose finished the first one on our list at this point, I'll go ahead and recommend the next one from the list Grace compiled for us on facebook. I just got the movie Everything is Illuminated, and I'd like to read the book first, so I'm probably going to read that one next. Anyone opposed to this? I also am probably going to get and read Life of Pi pretty soon too, so if anyone prefers, we can do that one next instead. Opinions?


  1. Lets read Everything is Illuminated! I think Grace has already read it though.

  2. Grace has already read a number of books on the list. I don't think she read Life of Pi though.

  3. I agree on Everything is Illuminated. I bought the book because I ended up seeing the movie and really liked it. I actually started it one day in the dining hall but nothing ever came of it. I don't think Grace read the book but I suppose we can check with her to make sure. Life of Pi sounds interesting too. What's it about?

  4. I'll read anything, but like everyone except Anne, I have to finish Satanic Verses first...

  5. Watch the trailer to Everything is Illuminated. The movie's amazing too, but the trailer is really epic. It's where I first heard the song How It Ends by Devotchka, which later became the theme song of Little Miss Sunshine. Random, I know, but since I'm not going to read the book it's pretty much all I can contribute. Also the movie was beautifully and curiously directed by Liev Schreiber. Clearly his career has taken a turn for the worse since then... *ahem* Wolverine.
